Head on Collision
Wrongful Death
Birth Injury
Fires can be devastating, and in a matter of minutes, your life can be turned upside down. Smoke inhalation, severe burns and other personal injuries sustained can cause great pain and suffering.
Many individuals involved in a fire-related incident suffer from the effects of smoke inhalation. The hot smoke causes swelling of the air tract, carbon monoxide poisoning and even death due to immediate suffocation. Many victims who survive inhale large amounts of smoke that require lengthy recoveries and extensive medical care.
Other individuals suffer severe burns. Many likely need multiple surgeries, surgical revisions and long-term healing, particularly those who suffer from third-degree burns that can result in permanent, life changing injuries. We know the that burns come with disfigurement and often unreal levels of pain that can be a life long experience.
Fortunately, there may be legal recourse available for burn victims and their families.
At The Law Office of Scott Righthand, P.C., our lawyers can help. Although we cannot undo the damage you and your family have suffered, we can help alleviate the financial issues associated by helping you pursue compensation to pay for your medical, rehabilitative and other expenses. We recognize that burn victims may need future graft or laser surgeries leading to future pain and downtime from work and other activities. We know how important disfigurement issues are.
Our team of attorneys has helped individuals in the Bay Area for more than 35 years. We have managed, litigated, and recovered successful outcomes for complex cases like these. Read about our past victories. We strictly represent only injured parties — never companies, property owners or insurance companies. We are your advocate and can fight to pursue the best possible outcome for your situation. Contact our office today to learn how we may be able to help you.
Beyond our accolades, we believe it is our compassion that truly sets us apart. When you come to our firm, you
can be confident knowing that we truly care about what you’re facing and will do whatever it takes to
secure a successful outcome.
Beyond our accolades, we believe it is our compassion that truly sets us apart. When you come to our firm, you
can be confident knowing that we truly care about what you’re facing and will do whatever it takes to
secure a successful outcome.